Specialised Services Quality Dashboard: Indicators submitted by CRANE
Indicators submitted by CRANE: For quarterly Specialised Services Quality (SSQ) Dashboard data submissions
This page summarises information about the data provided by CRANE to the Quality and Nursing Team in NHS England and NHS Improvement, on behalf of cleft teams, for quarterly SSQ Dashboard data submissions.
- For guidance from NHS England about these quarterly SSQ Dashboard indicators, please view the information for the ‘Cleft Lip and or Palate Services including Non-cleft Velopharyngeal Dysfunction (VPD) (All Ages)’ on the Specialised Services Quality Dashboards web page.
(1) CRANE currently provides data to the Quality and Nursing Team in NHS England and NHS Improvement for six indicators – detailed below.
Upcoming deadlines for data submission to CRANE, for the 2024/25 SSQ Dashboards, are as follows:
- Friday 6 September 2024 (for Q1 2024/25)
- Friday 6 December 2024 (for Q2 2024/25)
- Friday 14 March 2025 (for Q3 2024/25)
- Friday 20 June 2025 (for Q4 2024/25)
Below we provide downloadable summaries for each of the six indicators for which CRANE provides data.
- These specify key information such as the cases that contribute to the numerator and denominator, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the CRANE data fields used to report data for each indicator.
SSQ Dashboard submissions are only made by cleft teams in England and Wales. CRANE therefore excludes Scotland and Northern Ireland registrations from reporting.
Indicator | Description | Indicator Summary |
Percentage of children diagnosed with a cleft lip and/or palate who have records on CRANE
Only numerator provided by CRANE |
Percentage of parents contacted by a cleft team Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) within 24 hrs of referral with an antenatal diagnosis of cleft lip and/or palate | |
Percentage of parents, of infants diagnosed of cleft lip and/or palate, who receive a visit from a cleft team CNS within 24 hrs of first referral (following birth) | |
Percentage of all 5 year old children (from 5 years of age and under 6 years of age) born with cleft palate involvement, born in the designated year, and who have had their hearing assessed during that year
Only denominator provided by CRANE |
Percentage of 5 year old children (from 5 years of age and under 6 years of age) with cleft lip and/or palate, born in the designated year, who have had a treatment index recorded by a calibrated paediatric dentist (decayed, missing and filled teeth (dmft) scores) | |
Percentage of five year old children (from 5 years of age and under 6 years of age), born in the two designated years, with complete UCLP who have good maxillary growth as determined by the 5 Year Growth Index |
(2) All other SSQ Dashboard indicator data – such as timeliness of initial lip or palate surgery (CLP03 and CLP04) – are submitted, directly by cleft teams, to the Quality and Nursing Team.
- To register to submit data directly to the Quality and Nursing Team please contact the QCRS Helpdesk [email protected]
- To view data please see Model Health System https://model.nhs.uk/
- For further information https://future.nhs.uk/QualityCollectionReportingSystem/groupHome
If you have any additional queries about the content of this web page, please contact the CRANE team.
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